IR Portal
CGC offers its clients an Investor Relations portal through an affiliate partner, featuring eye catching charts and graphics designed to generate interest in your website. CGC’s IR portals focus investors directly on the unique attributes of your business, compelling them to pursue their relationship with you.
Potential investors visiting your CGC portal will view the very information they care the most about: an overview of your company, its stock symbol, stock performance, news, vital statistics, investor fact sheets, ancillary news and industry related information. Your customized IR portal combines hard facts, compelling stories, and an intuitive design to communicate a clearly defined profile of your company. All press releases and filings will automatically be sent to whoever has requested to receive company news through the IR Portal.
Your IR portal re-directs interested investors back to your company’s web site, where they will fill out a contact form that can be customized to create powerful lead-generating opportunities. Investors can even use the portal to sign up for your company newsletter, or to receive company updates.
The portal will also include an Investors Relations contact, your dedicated CGC representative!